araucana, ameraucana, or easter egger? BackYard Chickens Learn How to Raise Chickens
Ameraucanas lay medium-sized eggs, typically ranging from small to medium in size. The eggshells are known for their beautiful blue color, adding a vibrant touch to the egg basket. Easter Eggers, on the other hand, can lay eggs of various sizes, ranging from small to large.

Araucana, Ameraucana or Easter Egger (Olive Egger,Rainbow Layer) What's the difference? The
Ameraucana is an APA (American Poultry Association) accepted breed. An Easter Egger is not.

my awesome young ameracauna easter egger rooster... he's a new dad today... looks proud too
The Ameraucana is said to have a hawk-like appearance, and some enthusiasts appreciate this quality for free-range flocks. It is thought that mimicry deters attacks from actual hawks or other animals. The laser-focus of their bay red eyes only adds to this theory. Purchase Ameraucana Chickens Breed Standard

Assorted eggs Ameraucana chicken eggs, Ameraucana chicken, Best egg laying chickens
Ameraucana The Ameraucana is a highly popular breed, known for their beautiful blue eggs. The Ameraucana breed was originally developed in the 1970s, derived from Araucanas. Ameraucanas were bred to retain the blue-egg laying gene but eliminate some of the issues associated with the Araucana breed.
araucana, ameraucana, or easter egger? BackYard Chickens Learn How to Raise Chickens
In addition to the popular Ameraucana and Easter Egger breeds, several other chicken breeds lay blue eggs. These breeds are less common but still produce beautiful blue eggs that are sure to impress.

Easter Egger, Ameraucana and Araucana What's The Difference? ChicknsRock's Guide To Telling
Ameraucanas lay blue eggs. Other traits include a pea comb, white skin, full tails, muffs and beards (always together), and slate or black legs; they have no ear tufts. The APA recognizes these colors: Black, Blue, Blue Wheaten, Brown Red, Silver, Wheaten and White. Ameraucanas have beards AND muffs, Araucanas can have ear tufts.

Breed Focus Araucana/Ameraucana/Easter Egger The Facts Easter eggers, Blue fern studios
The biggest differences between Ameraucana chickens, Araucana chickens, and Easter Egger chickens are that the Easter Egger is a hybrid breed while the other two are purebred. All three of these chicken breeds will also lay blue eggs but the Easter Egger goes far above and beyond. They can lay blue, green, pink, and brown eggs!
Ameraucana or easter egger? BackYard Chickens Learn How to Raise Chickens
Ameraucanas must have muffs and beards. Wrong. And Easter Eggers are simply mutts that came from taking a purebred Araucana or Ameraucana and mixing it with other chickens. Wrong. (Okay, in fairness, that last claim can be true in some instances, but it's only one part of the Easter Egger story).
Ameraucana or Easter egger?! BackYard Chickens Learn How to Raise Chickens
The Ameraucana is a recognized heritage breed with specific breed standards for appearance and egg color (typically blue). In contrast, the Americana is a hatchery-created style of Easter Egger, so not a recognized breed but a hybrid mix created for varied egg colors (blue, green, light brown).

Ameraucana Chicken Eggs Color vs Easter Eggers Blue Pink Green
As said earlier, the Easter Egger chickens have not a clear blood line like Ameraucana or Araucana, so they are lacking the standards needed to be recognized by APA. Their egg colors can range in shades from green to greenish blue, from brown to pinkish, and from white to pale yellow or gray. The Easter Egger Chickens have a dominant "blue.
Wheaten Ameraucana? or Easter Egger? BackYard Chickens
The Ameraucana is a purebred chicken recognized by the APA that lays only blue eggs. Americanas or Easter Eggers are hybrids that can produce eggs in various shades of blue, green, pink, brown, etc. EEs have no standard physical traits, but Ameraucanas must meet the APA standard of perfection.

Araucana, Ameraucana or Easter Egger (Olive Egger,Rainbow Layer) What's the difference? The
The Ameraucana Chicken I was delighted to receive 18 + (1 extra day old chicks); 6 Barred Plymouth Rock, 6 Columbian and 7 Red X Sex Link. They would begin laying in mid-October. Almost.
Ameraucana or Easter Egger BackYard Chickens Learn How to Raise Chickens
Ameraucanas This breed has ear tufts and muffs that seem to connect and make a huge scarf around the chin. Their feather plumage is very bright. Ameraucanas lay blue eggs and green eggs. the egg: the rooster: the hen: the chick: Araucanas Aracaunas, unlike EEs and Ameraucanas, usually have no tail; therefore, it is easy to tell this breed apart.

Learn the 3 A’s of the Easter Egger Chicken Hobby Farms
Generally, in the US, an Easter Egger is a bird that is understood to carry the blue egg laying gene from its parent stock (the Araucana or Ameraucana ). Although primarily thought of as an egg layer, they make a reasonable dual-purpose breed.

This line of Easter Eggers is a very high percentage of Ameraucana, that's why I call them Ameraucana/Easter Egger Other lines are just Easter Eggers." Attachments 7FE132AA-488F-481A-B440-564272CC723E.jpeg

Easter Egger Ameraucana Chicken Ameraucana, Araucana, and Easter Egg Chickens green egg
The Ameraucana and Araucana chickens both produce a blue egg. The original "blue gene" comes from the Araucana chicken, which was bred into the Ameraucana chickens. In addition, there are several mutt breeds that produce a lighter blue or a green-tinted egg. Sometimes those crossbreeds are given the name of " Easter Egger " which isn.