Image FEF Subaki My Room Model.png Fire Emblem Wiki FANDOM powered by Wikia
3 Battle quotes 3.1 Defeat quotes 3.2 Endgame: Dawn Breaks quote 3.3 DLC battle quotes My Castle quotes " Oh, hello, Lord/Lady Corrin. I'm just making the rounds. You? " — Subaki, when spoken to at My Castle. Shop quotes " Need weapons? I'm perfectly suited to help you find what you need. " — Subaki, when working at the armory. "

FE Subaki Fire emblem, Emblems, Anime
Ah Subaki, the first male Pegasus/Sky Knight that is actually playable. When I first looked at his growths, I thought that he was pretty mediocre, but it does give him physical durability, so that's cool. I used him in Birthright along with Hinoka, and he was pretty solid. Tonics, good pair ups (married Oboro), and forges got him going.

Top 10 Cutest Guys in Fire Emblem Rainbo
Subaki is a Pegasus Knight that made his appearance in Fire Emblem: Fates. In Fire Emblem: Heroes, he retains true to his class and profession and rides a Pegasus. Because he was one of the nobles of Hoshido, he was assigned as one of the retainers of Princess Sakura. Subaki is also a member of one of the most loyal noble families in Hoshido. Stats

Fire Emblem Fates Subaki Speedart by MissKilvas on DeviantArt
in: Game Script, Fire Emblem Fates Scripts, Fire Emblem Fates supports Subaki/Supports < Subaki Sign in to edit Note: Bolded text are voice clips from S-Support CG confession scenes Contents 1 With Male Corrin 1.1 C Support 1.2 B Support 1.3 A Support 2 With Female Corrin 2.1 C Support 2.2 B Support 2.3 A Support 2.4 S Support 3 With Azura

Subaki Fire Emblem Wiki Fandom powered by Wikia
in: Fire Emblem Fates Scripts, Quote, Fire Emblem Fates Quotes Subaki/Fates Quotes < Subaki Sign in to edit Contents 1 Enemy Subaki 1.1 Conquest Chapter 22 1.1.1 Pre-Battle Quote 1.1.2 Vs. Corrin 1.1.3 Defeated 2 My Castle 2.1 Castle Grounds 2.1.1 Alone 2.1.2 Asking - Normal 2.1.3 Replying - Normal 2.1.4 Asking - Married 2.1.5 Replying - Married
Tsubaki (Fire Emblem) (Subaki (fire Emblem)) Fire Emblem If Image by Okii 2025337
Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) Walkthrough Team Last updated on: December 29, 2023 01:42 AM ★ Latest Banner - Ring In the Year ☆ New Units - New Year Nerþuz, New Year Kvasir, New Year Kana (M), New Year Seiðr ☆ Free Units - New Year Kana (F) This is a ranking page for the hero Subaki - Perfect Expert from the game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH).

Subaki is beautiful... Fire emblem, Fire emblem fates, Fire emblem heroes
A noble who is skilled with the katana. One of Sakura's retainers. She sees Subaki as a rival. Hinoka Hoshidan princess who prefers battles over court life. Excels at watching over others. She and Subaki learned how to ride pegasi around the same time.

Fire Emblem Fates Subaki Embleme
The unit Subaki is a playable character in Fire Emblem: Fates. Subaki is a sky knight and perfectionist, as well as a retainer in the service of Sakura of the royal family of Hoshido. Subaki will.

Step by Step How to Draw Subaki from Fire Emblem
Subaki breaks the mold as a tanky, but slow, Sky Knight, in comparison to the usual fast-but-frail archetype.. Details on features new to the Fire Emblem series. Skills, monsters, Promotions and Reclassing explained and much, much more! Get a Gamer Guides Premium account: Remove ads; Custom Favorites; Support the authors;

Subaki Fire Emblem Wiki
Posted March 15, 2016. On 3/15/2016 at 10:52 AM, Sieghart said: The best ones are Hinoka and oboro for physical attacker, for a magic build is Nyx and Sakura, Selena is just for fanservice. Pretty much this, and from what I see from people's planned pairings, about 90% of the player base did Subaki X Selena in Revelations. Quote.

Fire Emblem Fates Subaki by Junoro on DeviantArt
Subaki's Pike (Japanese: ツバキの金薙刀 Tsubaki's Gold-naginata) is a naginata that debuted in Fire Emblem Fates.
Tsubaki (Fire Emblem) (Subaki (fire Emblem)) Fire Emblem If Image by 3710 09 3536229
Subaki's Pike is a Naginata that is introduced in Fire Emblem Fates, eponymously named after Subaki . Contents 1 Fire Emblem Fates 2 Fire Emblem Heroes 3 Weapon Stats 3.1 Fire Emblem Fates 3.2 Fire Emblem Heroes 4 Item Locations 4.1 Fire Emblem Fates 5 Etymology 6 Gallery Fire Emblem Fates

Fire Emblem Fates Subaki Fire emblem characters, Fire emblem, Fire emblem fates
Subaki (Japanese: ツバキ Tsubaki) is a character in Fire Emblem Fates. He is a Sky Knight from Hoshido and subordinate of Sakura . Contents Biography Subaki was born into a family belonging to the upper echelons of Hoshido, one that is renowned for having served the royal family for generations.
Tsubaki (Fire Emblem) (Subaki (fire Emblem)) Fire Emblem If Image by Yura (Ub4u) 2494742
Camilla: Alluring Darkness Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information Subaki is one of the personal retainers of Sakura, along with Hana. This hero's Japanese name is ツバキ (romanized as Tsubaki), the Japanese name of the flowering plant Camellia. Subaki makes a reference to the flower in one of his quotes.

Subaki Fire Emblem Wiki
ATK 25 SPD 35 DEF 35 RES 22 Stat Variations Level 1 Stat Variation Weapon 5★ 4★ 3★ Level 40 Stat Variations Weapon 5★ 4★ 3★ Assets +ATK: Despite the Golden Naginata's reliance on Subaki retaining a low Attack stat, Subaki's Attack is far too low to deal any significant damage at base.

Subaki Fire emblem, Fire emblem awakening, Fire emblem fates
Welcome to Round 3: Subaki, Kaze, Rinkah and Hayato. Plus Gunter Tie Breaker## Each round will last about 24 hours in between each other. Rate the units in each tier, and give clear explanations on why. Feel free to comment on each other and discuss why you agree or disagree. Be polite, and remember, this is all in good fun.. Fire Emblem.